[ 2014-08-20 ]

Recreando el repositorio AWR

A continuación el procedimiento para re-crear el repo de AWR:

1. Disable AWR statistics gathering by setting the statistics level to basic as follows:

Check settings for parameters as follows:
sqlplus /nolog
connect / as sysdba
show parameter cluster_database
show parameter statistics_level
show parameter sga_target

Or save the spfile before modifying:
create pfile='/home/oracle/admin/dbs/init@.ora.20140122' from spfile;
In 10g and 11g , if sga_target is not 0, then in pfile or spfile set the following parameters:
The example below refers to spfile:
alter system set shared_pool_size = 200m scope = spfile;
alter system set db_cache_size = 300m scope = spfile;
alter system set java_pool_size = 100 scope = spfile;
alter system set large_pool_size = 50 scope = spfile;
alter system reset sga_target scope= spfile;
alter system reset memory_target scope= spfile;
alter system reset memory_max_target scope=spfile;
alter system set statistics_level=basic scope=spfile;

-- Setting the parameter cluster_database only applicable
-- in RAC environment
--Check actual shared pool and buffer cache usage in AWR to make sure the settings are correct
alter system set cluster_database = false scope = spfile;

NOTE: If SGA_TARGET is 0, then per above step can be skipped.

2. Shutdown database and startup in restrict mode so that no transactions will occur while dropping the AWR repository:

sqlplus /nolog
connect / as sysdba
shutdown immediate
startup restrict

3. Drop and recreate the AWR objects

The following scripts drop AWR tables and then recreates them.
After recreating ,utlrp is run in order to validate all views and objects dependent on the AWR tables.
-- On both 10g, 11g, and 12c drop AWR

start ?/rdbms/admin/catnoawr.sql
alter system flush shared_pool;
Check to see if all the objects are dropped :

SQL> select table_name from dba_tables where table_name like 'WRM$_%' or table_name like 'WRH$_%';
If there are objects after running catnoawr.sql, drop them manually:

drop table WRH$_MV_PARAMETER;
drop table WRH$_MV_PARAMETER_BL;
drop table WRH$_DISPATCHER;
drop table WRM$_WR_USAGE

Now create AWR:
start ?/rdbms/admin/catawrtb.sql
start ?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql

--On 11g and 12c, it is necessary to also run:
start ?/rdbms/admin/execsvrm.sql

Note: If you receive the following errors when executing "?/rdbms/admin/execsvrm.sql", as follows:
start ?/rdbms/admin/execsvrm.sql

Fails with the following errors :

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded
ORA-04061: existing state of package body "SYS.DBMS_SWRF_INTERNAL" has been

then recompile the object(s). 
alter package dbms_swrf_internal compile;
alter package dbms_swrf_internal compile body;
It is important to do this even if the object(s) (dbms_swrf_internal in this case) appear valid. You will then need to re-execute the "?/rdbms/admin/execsvrm.sql" script.

4) Reset the parameters shared_pool_size,db_cache_size, java_pool_size ,large_pool_size, sga_target statistics_level and cluster_database to original values.Also can reset the parameter from copy of the spfile:

create spfile from pfile='/home/oracle/admin/dbs/init@.ora.20140122' ;
5) Restart instance in normal mode:

sqlplus /nolog
connect / as sysdba
shutdown immediate

6) Check invalid objects exists are not , if exists then please compile it manually. As we have run utlrp.sql, any invalid objects should already have been reported there:

spool objects.lst
set pagesize500
set linesize 100

select substr(comp_name,1,40) comp_name, status, substr(version,1,10) version
from dba_registry
order by comp_name;

select substr(object_name,1,40) object_name,substr(owner,1,15) owner,object_type
from dba_objects
where status='INVALID' order by owner,object_type;

select owner,object_type,count(*)
from dba_objects
where status='INVALID'
group by owner,object_type order by owner,object_type ;

spool off

alter package <schema name>.<package_name> compile;
alter package <schema name>.<package_name> compile body;
alter view <schema name>.<view_name> compile;
alter trigger <schema).<trigger_name> compile;

7) To take the AWR snapshots:

exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot;
--wait for 5 min
exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot;

8) To create AWR report run the script:

start $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/awrrpt.sql

9) If further assistance is needed or errors arise while performing recreation of AWR, please open an SR.

Ref: How to Recreate The AWR ( AUTOMATIC WORKLOAD ) Repository ? (Doc ID 782974.1)

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