[ 2018-06-20 ]

Novedades Oracle Database Cloud Service - Junio 2018

June 2018

Cloud tooling update available for deployments hosting Oracle RAC databases
The 18.2.5 update to cloud tooling is available to apply to existing Database Cloud Servicedatabase deployments that host Oracle RAC databases.
To apply this update, use the tag 1825 when following the instructions Updating the Cloud Tooling by Using the raccli Utility in Administering Oracle Database Cloud Service.
Apr 2018 BP or RU integrated into base image for Oracle RAC databases
The April 2018 BP (Bundle Patch) or RU (Release Update), depending on Oracle Database version, is now integrated into the base image for new Database Cloud Service database deployments that host Oracle RAC databases and Data Guard configurations with Oracle RAC primary and standby databases. When you create such a database deployment, it will already include the BP or RU functionality.

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